Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often find the degenerative disease not only impacts movement, but the quality of their voices as well. Don’t wait to get help! Often a person with PD will slowly notice that the voice becomes weaker, softer, slurred, hoarse, and more monotone and expressionless. It can be devastating to learn you can no longer tell your providers about how you are doing or say to your spouse and children that you love them.
We are fortunate to be able to offer the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT), an innovative voice-therapy approach that is effective for treating the decreased volume, mumbled and monotone voice and hoarse voice in Parkinson’s patients. This evidence-backed, intensive treatment stresses the idea of “thinking loud in order to speak loud,” and uses exaggerated enunciation, motions and behaviors. Vocal degradation can not only be stopped, but partially restored! After the LSVT is completed, patients can experience improvements such as better swallowing, livelier vocal expression or affect, increased volume and more precise speech. Communication can again feel like an enjoyable experience!